Fostering A Pet: Everything You Need To Know

Fostering a pet can be a rewarding experience on many levels. Not only does fostering help a pet in need, but it also opens up a space in the shelter for another homeless animal. To make the experience as good as possible for both you and the pet, it’s important to understand the commitment that you are about to make. Here are the steps you need to take to prepare for your foster. Check Your Homeowner’s Insurance Or Rental Policy It’s important to check with your landlord or, if you own, to read your homeowner’s insurance policy before committing to...

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Supporting Your Local Rabbit Rescue

Rabbits are adorable and can make wonderful companions. Sadly, millions of rabbits are surrendered to shelters every year by people who weren’t aware of the effort it would take to care for a rabbit. There are many ways that you can support your local rabbit rescue. Volunteer Rabbits, like dogs and cats, need to be socialized. Like all animals, each rabbit has its unique personality. While some are naturally friendly and easy to handle, others require patience and training.   It takes a lot of time and effort to provide the care that animals at a rescue need and often,...

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First Aid Tips For Pet Owners

There comes a time in every pet owner's life when their pet gets hurt. You can take steps to ensure that when that time comes, you are prepared to deal with an emergency medical situation. First Aid Tips For Pet Owners Here’s what you need to do to be prepared to provide first aid to your pet. Create A First Aid Kit Having a well-provisioned first aid kit can make all the difference in an emergency. Here’s a list of what your pet first aid kit should contain:   Emergency Contact Card: Include numbers for your veterinarian, poison control, and...

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Doggie Dentistry - What You Need to Know About Your Dog's Teeth

It’s rare to find a human who enjoys going to the dentist but we do it because we understand that without regular checkups, we could develop cavities and other dental issues. Just like their human owners, dogs have only one set of adult teeth, making regular dental care extremely important.   Common Dental Issues Found In Dogs The following are the top dental issues discovered in our canine companions: Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease is what causes your dog to have bad breath. There are four stages of periodontal disease:   Stage 1: In this stage, the teeth have a build-up...

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Fall Decor Ideas for Your Pet

Do you have a fur friend that you love to spoil? Is he the king of the castle and knows it? Is she living the life of luxury in her gorgeous Clearly Loved Pets Lucidium Pen? If the answer is “Yes,” - then you are probably a pet parent who loves to change up your pet’s decor as the seasons change. It’s a great way to make some changes to your pet’s “home” - and Clearly Loved Pets’ pens make it so easy! Those clear panels allow you to see all of those great decor choices!   Want to pick...

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Car Travel With Your Pet: 8 Tips to Make the Journey Smoother

If you are a pet owner and love to travel, then you probably want to take your fur friend with you when possible. Whether it's just around town or across the country, making sure your pet is ready for the ride is crucial. Clearly Loved Pets has some tips! Tip #1: Practice by taking shorter trips to start. Traveling by car can be stressful for pets, so start with a short trip to get them used to it. You might just take them around the block to see how they do!  Tip #2: Consider a carrier if you have a...

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