You love your dog and would do anything for them, but that doesn't mean you should feed them table food. And while they may look at you with those adorable eyes as you’re eating dinner, table food is not healthy for dogs and can lead to some pretty serious consequences.
In fact, there are some foods that you want to avoid altogether. Check out this list for a few of the most common ones that can have negative effects on your pet’s health.
Xylitol: This is a type of sugar that can be found in some candies, pastries, and toothpaste. When dogs eat xylitol, they'll experience low blood sugar levels, which can lead to seizures or even death.
Onion and Garlic: Not only will onions and garlic make your dog's breath stink, but they can also cause anemia because they block the intestinal absorption of nutrients.
Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and raisins happen to be one of the most common foods that can make dogs very sick. The poison found in these two foods (cyanide) will attack your dog's red blood cells, and it may not take much for them to get sick.
Alcohol: As tempting as it may be to give your dog that leftover beer or glass of wine, you should never do this. Alcohol is a poison and will make them very sick.
Bones: It's not uncommon for people to feed their pets bones because they think it'll help keep the pet's teeth clean, but this isn't true at all. The problem with giving your dog any type of bone is that if eaten whole, they'll often choke on them, or they can become lodged in their digestive tract.
Salt: Too much salt can cause dehydration - this makes salty foods bad for dogs.
Chocolate: Chocolate is not good for dogs. The cocoa beans in dark and milk chocolates have a substance called methylxanthine which can cause your dog to experience vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, or even heart failure!
You love your dog and would do anything for them, but that doesn't mean you should feed them table food. Table food is not healthy for dogs and can lead to some pretty serious consequences. So the next time they look at you with those pleading eyes, grab them a dog treat instead!