Rabbits are adorable and can make wonderful companions. Sadly, millions of rabbits are surrendered to shelters every year by people who weren’t aware of the effort it would take to care for a rabbit.
There are many ways that you can support your local rabbit rescue.
Rabbits, like dogs and cats, need to be socialized. Like all animals, each rabbit has its unique personality. While some are naturally friendly and easy to handle, others require patience and training.
It takes a lot of time and effort to provide the care that animals at a rescue need and often, that leaves little time for socializing with the animals. Volunteers can help by spending time with adoptable rabbits to ensure they get the interaction they need.
Donate Supplies
Shelters and rescues can always use more supplies. Rescues that take in rabbits can benefit from:
- Cages
- Small Litter Boxes
- Water Bottles (those designed for rabbits)
- Timothy Hay
- Fresh Veggies (Carrots, Kale, Cabbage, Squash, and Bussel Sprouts are great options)
- Food
- Carriers
It’s a great idea to check with the shelter to find out what they need the most.
Sponsor A Rabbit
Sponsoring a rabbit is another great way to make sure that the shelter can afford the supplies and care needed.
Support Spaying & Neutering
Yes, rabbits should be spayed and neutered! Rabbits are one of the most prolific breeders on the planet. Unwanted litter can be avoided by ensuring that rabbits are spayed and neutered.
Adopting Helps Support Rabbit Rescues
One of the best ways to show support for rabbit rescues is to adopt! There are many wonderful rabbits available in rescues and bringing one home helps resources go to save another. Here’s what you should consider:
Rabbits Have A Long Life Span
The average rabbit lives 8-12 years!
Rabbits Do Best When They Live Indoors
Although many places will sell an outdoor rabbit hutch, the reality is that rabbits thrive as indoor pets. They can be litter trained and many rabbits enjoy spending their time with their family outside of their crate.
If a rabbit is allowed to spend time outside, protection from predators like foxes, hawks, and coyotes must be provided. Rabbits do tend to overheat and must be provided with shade and water on warm days.
Rabbits Require Exercise
Rabbits have energy! They can’t simply be left in a cage all day. They need to be let out and allowed to exercise every day.
Yearly Veterinary Checkups Are Required
Like other animals, rabbits should have a yearly checkup to make sure they are healthy and living their best life.
Bringing Your New Rabbit Home
It’s exciting to bring a new family member home. Remember, this can be a stressful experience until they get settled. Be sure to put their new crate or rabbit pet pen in a quiet place where they can rest. Let them spend a few days with minimal handling so that they can get used to their new surroundings. By letting them adjust at their own pace, you’ll ensure that you build a trusting relationship that will last for years to come.
Indiana House Rabbit Society. (n.d). Bringing Home A New Rabbit. https://www.indianahrs.org/rabbit-adoption/going-home.aspx
Esme Mailloux, CVT